Monday, April 05, 2004

Damn my email's been corrupted by the neon sleaze of pop-up ads. Like a vine these things grew into my mail and browser so that I have full page smut with no functioning close buttons. It juts goes to show you that things break down. The weeds start creeping. I get this abnormally high sprint bill which has a surprising new added service.

PCS Vision premium Pack $15.95/month

I called right away. That made me mad as hell. They make so much money off me it's not funny. They make it off all the hardcharging disorganized people who don't have time to read their bills. Leave it to Sprint to go and invent some service that has nothing to do with phonecalls. The Sprint operator informed me that I got that service automatically when I bought my new phone.
"But I never asked for this." I said. "What does it even do?"

"You did agree to it sir, when you signed up or the rebate on your newest phone." She said. "It's for downloading games and screensavers - worldwide webbing etc."
She sounded confident that she had me. 'The rebate you got - remember?' Her voice seemed to tease. I had taken the money she gently reminded me.

"I never got the rebate on this damn phone." I said to her. "I paid full price."

"I don't understand." The operator's voice on the other end of the line

"I paid something like $230 for this phone, and I never got the application in or the rebate."
She was silent on the other end. Is she calling or her manager?
"I just blew it off - do you understand? I never signed up or this PCS Gold vision pack."

How do these corporations function? Their M.O. seems to be to introduce a charge - weasle it in, and then cash in on the aggregate of disorganized people like myself who let it go by - just for being too busy to read the itemized section of the bill. The few customers who bother to go through the phone labyritnth in order to get it refunded - like I just did - will only get a credit back in a month. Sprint is able to generate a shitload of cash like that. I wonder what they call that practice, in their little dens.

What do they call it in those big companies when they lower the blade and take a thicker cut? I'm sure that there's a word for this.