Thursday, December 26, 2002

This morning I awoke at 4:40am, suddenly and for no reason. Usually that is something that would cause me a certain irritation, but on this day I was excited by the randomness of it. It was as if there had to be some cosmic reason that my body would suddenly be done sleeping.

Talk about a good attitude.

So I spent an hour or so writing, and then I read and tried to get back to sleep. It was a strange day/ The weather was unseasonably warm but the light of Paris has what I find to be a sad quality. Randy and I took a bus down to the Louvre, bought some books, and then walked back the the 20th.

Parisians are very nice until hey make you for an American. Then all bets are off, which is too bad. It`s exhausting to go around a city and have to be conscious that you are of the most unpopular group of people in the world. I imagine Serbs would have been better liked, even at the height of war in old Yugoslavia.

I have a feeling all of this is good for me nonetheless. It will be hard to return to Canada and the USA. There`s nothing there quite like Paris.

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