Friday, May 02, 2003

Went to see CITY OF GHOSTS last night at the Arc-light. I highly reccomend this film! *Out there* is the best I can describe it. I had set out to see the 9:45 showing of a French documentary on migrating birds, but the ticket sellor informed me that it was not open yet.
My expecttions were somewhat low for CITY OF GHOSTS, and 20 minutes into it I was considering walking out. The first part of the film is set in New York, and it seemed to go nowhere and offer nothing. But this turns out to be a set up, and the rest of the film takes place in Cambodia... And that's all I'm saying about that.
It was during the opening credit sequence that I saw the Director of Photography was Jim Denault. I worked my first day as an electric on an HBO thing he was shooting up in Connecticut. I was really ignorant about set life then, and I remember repeatedly embarrassing myself as I tried to figure out the walkie-talkie in front of all these PAs... But nevertheless, Jim Denault is doing very well for himself. He also photographed BOYS DON'T CRY, so I gather he only takes the scripts that are interesting to him.

Yet another famous person I briefly overlapped with in New York.

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