Thursday, February 01, 2007

What the HELL was that? Two days ago President Bush makes an unexpected visit to the floor of the NYSE.

And he gets a hero's welcome. Those guys clapped for ten minutes straight. They clapped and cheered the Texas simpleton like he was F.D.R.

Do they know something we don't know?

The NYSE is to our American culture what the Oracle at Delphi must have been for the Athenians. Those guys in suits applauding Bush are the priests of our civilization. The tickers and trading boards are chicken guts which these charlatans read. The market is their voice of God.

And the market seems to like Bush. The market likes war. The market likes go-getters. Those stock traders applauded Bush like they understood his manuevers better than any of us ever will.

Democracy is pretty much finished. There is just the oracle at Wall Street. The temple of American wealth.

How about a pay-raise for American fighting forces in Iraq? If the Iraqi oil act is going to yield the kinds of profits that oil companies are planning on, then American enlisted troops should be getting one million dollars each per year. What are we paying them now? To walk on point and start firefights with committed insurgents who have NOTHING to lose? What do they get - $50,000/year? You could make more as a P.A. here in Hollywood. Let's give them a piece of the action.

Cause I mean what are they fighting for? For American security? NOT.

Are they fighting for Iraqi democracy and mid-east peace? O God no! Anybody who thinks that, at this stage, is a sorry fool.


Queenshiv said...

Bravo Vini!

Anonymous said...

Nice to feel your energy on the screen-wise. And I couldn't agree more with what you're saying. -Jello

Bob said...

Dude, we've been experiencing a bull market for the past five years. The people at the NYSE have been riding that wave. It's no surprise they applauded. By the way, I think the low tax rate on stock capital gains is outrageous. One more reason why wall street is cheering. You get taxed at a higher rate for doing real work than for being a day trader.