Thursday, November 21, 2002

I had a sudden impulse to particpate in the larger blogging community. As usual, I find myself on the outside-looking in. And so I began to consider jumping in on the apology week theme.

Was this an N.A. (Nick Adams) concept?

It's interesting to note here, that when I first began to read the apologies I had a vague feeling of discomfort. But that's not unusual for me. In that moment I attributed said uneasiness to my historic "outsider" mindset. I had a spike of irritation with myself for being so predictable. Later, on reflection, I considered that the very essence of apologies skeeves me out. In the 12 step world, there comes a time TO MAKE AMENDS TO SUCH PEOPLE WHEREVER POSSIBLE...

(fuck that shit man!!!)

During the filming of NOTHING REALLY HAPPENS, I had more than the usual apologies to make. My most chronic offense is treating people like idiots: Seth, Justine, Casey and Beca were my victims. It's a terrible burden to be right all the time. Then again, they made their displeasure known - in spades.

As I skim the Filbert blogs I see that everyone, as usual, is "grooving together" and digging the same things. I on the other hand cultivate my differences and try obsessively try to play to my strengths.

For that I apologize to everyone. I should really try harder to be one of the guys.

I figure I can afford to apologize to Nick, for talking non-stop about my own life. Consider this my appy-polly-loggies.

To Melissa and Mike, I would like to apologize for being at all times ham-fisted in my conservatism. I actually take very little pleasure from political arguments. My actions are a better indicator of who I am.

To Anna, I apologize for rolling my eyes when you talk about the inter-relationships of your friends. Do you know what I'm talking about?

And Bob; I apologize for never being sufficiently grounded and present when we intercourse socially.

I think that's everyone in the foreground Filbert pages.

Peace to you all

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