Tuesday, July 02, 2002

I overslept this morning. I hate that feeling. I say to myself: "I'm supposed to be at work - right now. Oh well." Still, there's time for coffee. The dog was worrying me yesterday. I left him alone for three hours, and he seemed to be having some kind of mini-breakdown when I got home. If he realized I'll be leaving him alone MUCH more in the future... Wow. Good thing dogs don't worry about the future too much. It's all about the moment for them. They really live in the "here and now".
If I could just get out from under all these obligations! I need to finish that kitchen in Potrero Hill, but there are problems with the surface of the counter-top. I don't even want to call the customer, I'm so tired of dealing. Surely there will soon be a time when i can wrap up all but one or two of these projects and then approach what's left with some focus..

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